Friday, June 7, 2013

She is me

     I have a little announcement to make.
     Actually, considering that there are approximately five of you who read my blog, I'd say that the vast majority of you already know.
     But, in case you didn't, I'm posting about it here.
     Are you ready?
     I started a new blog!
   If you're thinking, "Why?  She doesn't post on this one!"  let me reassure you that I know.  It is a little crazy, I agree.
     However, I decided to do it anyway, because I wanted someplace where I could put my art and stories.  I'll still be posting on this blog with the same frequency (or infrequency, as it may be), since I see it as more of a journal of what's going on in my life.  :)
     So I hope you'll check it out.  :)  You can find it here There should be another post up later today, too.  :)

     Julianne  :)

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