Saturday, June 1, 2013

Art (sort of) and cupcakes (definitely)

     I think it's amazing how art can convey so much about a person.
     Think about, for instance, Leonardo da Vinci's complex background on the Mona Lisa, and then about his personal life and interests.  You can see why he made it that way, can't you?  He was a complex guy.
     What about how art makes the viewer feel?  Think about Monet and all his water lilies.  I love Monet, and I think it's because those beautiful flowers make me feel peaceful and dreamy.
     Art has the amazing power to touch people, and it's not limited to paintings.  It can happen in sculpture, architecture, music, cupcakes...
     Yes, cupcakes.
     The cupcakes below were made for me by some friends to celebrate my graduation.  They say a lot about what I like, and about our common interests.  :)  I planned on sharing pictures of all of them, but when I looked at my snapshots some of them were too blurry.  Oh, well. 
     Art is powerful. 
     It can also be tasty.
clockwise, starting with the largest one :)
Sherlock Holmes, Ikea, Kid Snippets, Veggietales, my bedroom wall, The Princess Bride.

Cupcakes made by Molly and Max and their mom.  :)