Thursday, July 12, 2012

A photo shoot and random facts

      When I was younger, I wanted to be a photographer.  I love colors and pictures, and clicking a button is infinitely easier than trying to force my fingers and pencil into submission with drawing.  Can I get an amen?  Anyone?
     Although I no longer want to do it professionally, I still enjoy taking pictures.  On Tuesday I walked around our yard, trying to find something to photograph.
     Now, here's the plan for this post, since I don't want you to get completely lost on me.  I'll be sharing some pictures, but also telling something about myself with each one.  Okay, here it goes...   
Top photo:  Queen Anne's Lace

     A couple years ago I started putting in a flower garden.  Until then, I hadn't realized how much fun planning and planting actually is.
     Well, this year, the only contribution I made to the garden was informing my dad that I wanted him to grow soybeans so that I could eat fresh edamame.  Convicted by my lack of involvement, I decided to take the job of weeding the veggies upon myself.
     You may be wondering what that all has to do with the picture.  Well, I haven't been very diligent about my job, and Queen Anne's Lace is a weed.  This particular one was not near the vegetables, but my gardening conscience still smotes me every time I look at the picture. 

Photo #2:  Yellow flowers  (I'm not sure what these are called.)

Yellow was my first favorite color.  I still like it, because it makes me feel sunny and cheerful. 

Photo #3:  Some cute geraniums

I can't think of anything to write for this photo.  How about you leave a comment with a fact about yourself related to this picture?  This should be interesting.  (Julianne smirks as she passes the difficult task onto others)

Last photo:  Blackberries

I enjoy blackberries.  I think that they are rather interesting visually, and they taste good.  The only problem is that they have a natural defense against consumers, like me, who try to pick them.  It's called thorns.  Thankfully, I've discovered that I can usually wear jeans and come out all right. 
This photo brought an end to my camera time.  As you can see, I had a lot of berries to pick.  :)


  1. Some cute geraniums... Remind me of grill pizza's!

    Just say'n


  2. A fact about myself related to geraniums? How about.... um.... that I think they are at your house and someday I need to see your house! That was a stretch.

    1. haha... And, sadly, they are no longer cutening up our house
