^This doodle has nothing to do with the post,
but I needed some graphics. :) |
During devos last week, I came across a striking quote in
My Utmost For His Highest. I know, I know, it's not the first time. And, since I'm intending to actually read it all the way through from January 1- December 31 this year, it's probably not going to be the last. Anyway, here it is:
"Have you been asking God what He is going to do? He will never tell you. God does not tell you what He is going to do- He reveals to you who He is." (Oswald Chambers)
My first thought was, "I wish I'd read this earlier." I wish I'd read it in tenth grade, when the perfectionistic planner inside began to feel uneasy that I still had no idea about my college major. Or, it would have been nice during my senior year, when I'd cry out to God, "I want to do Your will. Please, just show me what that is!"
I've been asking the wrong questions.
You see, what I'm really desiring when I say, "Show me Your plan!" is not a knowledge of God's will for my life. I know, it certainly sounds like that's what I'm asking. I even had myself fooled. But there's something else going on. Do you want to know what it is? (Hope so, 'cause I'm gonna tell you anyway.)
What I'm really asking for is the comfort I've always known. The comfort of plans and schedules, and being able to say, "On Sunday I go to church," or, "On Friday I get to see my friends!"
In essence, I've been praying for God to give me a reason to be prideful when people ask me about my future plans. I wanted Him to give me an answer that would make them walk away thinking, "Wow. That girl really has her life together." instead of forcing me to admit that I'm as fragile and dependent upon my circumstances as everyone else.
And God, in His infinite and loving wisdom, refused to give into my whining. Yes, He has plans for me, and He could have chosen to reveal them, but He said "No."
No, because plans are, after all, a flimsy substitute for the comfort only He can bring.
No, because I need to learn to walk humbly with Him.
No, because if I knew what was going to happen in my life, I'd miss out on a great opportunity to learn lessons about His character.
No, because I need to trust Him...
I think it's probably safe to assume that most of us are wondering about the plan in at least one area of our lives. I certainly am, but you know what? God can raise the dead. He can transform our times of uncertainty into certainty about Him.
It's a wonderful place to be.