Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Hey y'all :)

How are you all doin today? This isn't Julianne - actually this is her friend miss Molly :) you've prob been wonderin when Juliannes ever gonna post on her blog. Well I've been wondering that too so I decided to take matters into my own hands - so here I am :) anyway, talk to y'all later!

Molly <3


  1. Thanks for posting Molly.

    Juju & Al's dad

    1. No prob! Julianne needs a little encouragement sometimes! I will probably end up posting another at our vacation this weekend!

      P.S. Thank you for giving up your daughters for the weekend!

  2. Are you going to post now Julianne?

  3. To Miss Bass;

    How long have been angling for bass? Do you prefer large mouth bass over small mouth? How about rock bass?

    Juju & Al's Dad

    1. Hi Juju and Al's Dad,

      I actually have tried fishing, only for very small fish and for a very short time. It was fun, but gross putting worms on the hook (which my dad did for me :)

      I do not like rock bass, Jazz bass is more my style. More specifically, a Fender 1973 Jazz bass (I think).

      P.S. I had to look up rock bass to see if it was a guitar or a fish :)
