Monday, September 3, 2012

At the beach- part three

One of my favorite things to do is stand where the waves are lapping against the shore.  I close my eyes, and with each new stream of water, I feel my heels digging into the sand.  Often, the same hymn come to my mind:

"On Christ the Solid Rock I stand.
All other ground is sinking sand.
All other ground is sinking sand."
~Edward Mote, "The Solid Rock"
It seems that one of the constant struggles in my life is trusting God.  I find myself worrying, making demands, or getting angry way more often than I kneel at the feet of my Creator, trusting that He has a plan and asking for His peace.
The other day, I knew that I was standing by a lake.  I knew, not because there was a visible difference between that beach and the ones I've visited near the ocean, but because I've seen a map.  There are no oceans anywhere near the city we were visiting.  Still, if I hadn't seen the bigger picture, I would not have known the difference.
Unfortunately, I haven't discovered a map for life.  I just like to pretend that I know what I'm doing.  But you know what?  God sees all of space.  He sees all of time, both present and past.  The seemingly endless horizon at the beach makes me feel small, but somewhere the water does meet land again.  I must be almost invisible in the perspective from which God views me, yet He cares enough about me to never leave me or forsake me.  The thought awes me.

Maybe that's why I usually walk away from the beach feeling refreshed.  By the great expanse of water and sky, with my feet sinking under me, I'm reminded of God's majesty and my own inadequacy. 


  1. I agree, I sure wish I had a map and didn't have to guess where I was going sometimes, it's so good to know that when I feel so lost and confused that God has the map and He will help me get where He wants me to go:>)

    P.S. Can you get rid of word verification...purty please?

  2. Disabled word verification, enabled comment moderation so that robots hopefully aren't a problem. :) Let me know if it works. :)

    1. I don't see robots as being a problem, since I don't have a huge readership, but our virus software is making me a little paranoid. ;)
