Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thoughts for endless thanksgiving

I'll be the first to admit, the internet is full of unnecessary thoughts.  Nevertheless, there are some good ones out there, too.  You merely have to look in the right places.

Pinterest is my place.

Oh, how thankful I am for pinterest.  :) 

Before this post becomes an unnecessary thought, I wanted to share with you some perspective-changing quotes, courtesy of pinterest, that have rocked my world. Hopefully they will help you to celebrate Thanksgiving all year long.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Dear Geometry,

You are very strange sometimes.

Seriously, what are you, a chef?  What does this have to do with math?  And how do you "Complete chard," anyway?


Note to those  who may be concerned:
Yes, it was supposed to say, "Complete the chart."
Yes, I know how to do that.
Nevertheless, I found it amusing.  That is all.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Max is amazing!

Max is the most amazing person!!!!!! Max is aaammmaaazzziiinnnggg!!! Wassup? Btw-- max is amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!
Edit- November 22- In case y'all wondered, this was a guest post by Max.  This post also concluded the impromptu guest post weekend here at Joyful Creation. (a.k.a. Max and Molly stealing my ipod.)  ;)  -Julianne

Higher than I

So we are starting a band! Julianne, Allison, and Molly. It's called Higher Than I based on the very similar scripture passage (who's reference escapes me at the moment). We will hopefully be recording some soon at Carrying Home Studios (Molly's studio)

Bye for now! Love, higher than I.

Random quotes

Avocados are the love of my life.
I love edamame
Inspiring things are hard to come up with on the spot.
I love ikea.
We watched a tv show and did miscellaneous activities.
Hello Seattle.
Life with you (Julianne) is a random occurrence

Hi everyone!

Molly here again! Gtg - more later

Thursday, November 8, 2012

How to (unknowingly) become a stalker

Step 1:  Let your friend use your ipod.  If you wish only to be a nice person, and not an accidental stalker, you may stop here.  The results will probably look something like these...

Step 2:  Laughingly mention to aforesaid friend that you're fine with her hundreds of self-portraits, since she obviously took them, thereby relieving you from any suspicion of being a stalker.
The next photos will be stalker shots:

Yes, my friends, it's as easy as that.  Now, this technique requires a friend and an ipod with a camera.  There are other ways to accomplish this same goal without either, of course, but that's a story for another time.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

It's Election Day!

  I don't know about you, but I've been waiting for this day to be over for months.  However, I didn't come back out of blogging oblivion to complain about political advertising techniques.  I'm here to share a quote with you that has brought many giggles to my lips during the past few days, as well as possible explanations of what it means.

The Rosetta Stone of the Election
     On Sunday, my mom was watching Good Morning America.  I could hear it from the other room, not because it was exceptionally loud, but because I was waiting while my dad made pancakes.  They were talking about today's election.  I know, big surprise.  At this particular moment, they were discussing Ohio.  I was not paying close attention, until I heard something.
     "Did he just say, 'Ohio might be the Rosetta Stone of this election?"  I asked mom.
     The answer was yes.  Yes, he did.
     No, I do not know who "he" is, but I am indebted to whoever said it.  This phrase has provided me with endless entertainment over the last two days.  My family has tried to analyze it together, and I have further pondered it on my own.  Our thoughts have been few, but I offer them for your entertainment.

  • Maybe he was trying to say that victory in Ohio will translate into winning the election, or that Ohio "holds the key" to this election.  Maybe.  In that case, why didn't he state it a little more clearly?  Instead, he makes it sound like Ohio is some new discovery in the political realm, when we all know quite well that Ohio is one of the states that makes the electoral college exciting.  Every.  Single.  Time.
  •  Perhaps he was trying to say that it's a sort of monumental thing in this election.  Ohio is a big deal in the presidetial race.  However, I think that Stonehenge would have been a more appropriate allusion in this case.
  • The third option is that he is actually referring to the Rosetta Stone language learning curriculm, whose advertisements seem to imply that they are the key to success.  This option sounds more like an unofficial commercial than anything else, and a strange one at that.
  • Perhaps this was a dig at Ohio.  He has to admit that they are important in this election, but he has a secret bias against them.  "Rosetta Stone" gives the impression of significance, while enabling him to be true to his opinion that they are not much better than cavemen.  This theory assumes that he is an ardent University of Michigan fan, which I have no way of proving. 
Then, there's my personal favorite.
  • He was trying to sound intelligent, and it was an epic fail.

     Today's blog post has been brought to you courtesy of my mother's excellent homeschooling via The Mystery of History, and my God-given fingers and sense of humor.  I hope today's election gives you a reason to smile, even if your candidate doesn't win.